Thursday, November 18, 2021


Having made your way through a short but fun handheld adventure, you reach the end of the Chai Kingdom, flying a small biplane through a cloudy skyscape, coming face to face with your final boss, the alien Tatanga.

Tatanga is an alien invader who conquered the Mushroom Kingdom’s neighboring nation of Sarasa-Land and took its princess Daisy hostage. He would appear once more in game as a boss working under Wario in Super Mario Land 2, but would not see any further life outside of appearances in comics produced around that time.

In game, he will be perpetually flying in his spaceship, probably based upon his smaller craft from Super Mario Land 2, making him floaty but powerful. His moves will pull from both of his boss battles across the Super Mario Land series, with some elements pulled from his comic book appearances as well.

Likelihood rating: Could happen

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