Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Mario Games


And by that, I mean board games, card games, tabletop games, puzzles, all that jazz. Of which, we have: Four different versions of Monopoly, different versions of Uno, Chess, Checkers, Yahtzee, Tic Tac Toe, Mario and Donkey Kong-themed playing cards, Hanafuda sets, Jenga sets, Dominoes, Dots, slot car sets, memory games, special platinum playing cards, Barcode Battler cards, trading cards, metallic coin sets, screwball scrambles, bingo sheets, and original games such as Super Mario Level Up!, the Waddington's Mario game, a game based on the Donkey Kong arcade game, Mario Bros.: The Great Ladder Race, the Epoch maze game, the Gura Gura tower game, and a Coin Adventure board game, in just the board and card game section alone. There are also several electronic games, including at least four portable pinball machines made by companies like Gottlieb and Playtime, a pachinko machine based on Super Mario Bros. 3, and several cheep little Game watches. Finally, there have been at least seven official puzzles of varying sizes that I could find record of.

And that's about it! Here's what we've got so far:

Still not much. Maybe some of the game boards could be fun if you got creative?

Thanks for reading! Now, all of the miscellaneous bits of merchandise out there!

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