Friday, September 30, 2022

Legend of Zelda 3D Roster



Since we're splitting the roster into all characters originating from a 2D top-down game, all characters from 3D games, and all characters from the Breath of the Wild/Age of Calamity world, here's our 3D rosters:

1.       Young Link

2.       Toon Link

3.       Wolf Link

4.       Hero's Shade

5.       Linkle

6.       Tetra

7.       Sheik

8.       Impa

9.       Midna

10.   Twili Midna

11.   Fi

12.   Lana

13.   Saria

14.   Darunia

15.   Darmani

16.   Ruto

17.   Mikau

18.   Nabooru

19.   Medli

20.   Makar

21.   Malon

22.   Epona

23.   Happy Mask Salesman

24.   Tingle

25.   Beedle

26.   Ilia

27.   Agitha

28.   Yeto/Yeta

29.   Groose

30.   Mogma

31.   Ancient Robot

32.   King Daphnes

33.   Ganondorf

34.   Toon Ganondorf

35.   Beast Ganon

36.   Skull Kid

37.   Majora

38.   Zant

39.   Ghirahim

40.   Demise

41.   Cia

42.   Twinrova

43.   Volga

44.   Wizzro

45.   Bokoblin

46.   Lizalfos

47.   Bulblin

48.   King Bulblin

49.   Deku Scrub

50.   Deku Baba

51.   Chuchu

52.   Garo

53.   Gekko

That should take care of that one! Next up, the Breath of the Wild roster!

*Please note, I have chosen to place Impa here because it is her first in-game appearance, rather than just being mentioned in a booklet. (Though, technically she did appear in some cutscenes of the CDi games, but I am choosing to ignore that for the time being).

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