Saturday, September 3, 2022

Character Sheet: Twili Midna


Today, we begin the third (and probably last) big character haul of the Zelda series, assuming the Tingle and CDi games, the remakes, the animated series, and the comics don't add in anything too drastic. Our list covers twenty-eight familiar faces, and they are:

1. Linkle

2. The Youth

3. Wild Zelda

4. Wild Impa

5. Twili Midna

6. Lana

7. Darmani

8. Yunobo

9. Mikau

10. Sidon

11. Teba

12. Riju

13. Hestu

14. Epona

15. Tingle

16. Agitha

17. Purah & Robbie

18. Yves

19. Terrako

20. King Rhoam

21. Wild Fairies

22. Monk Maz Koshia

23. Cia

24. Astor

25. Volga

26. Wizzro

27. Manhandla

28. Sooga

If I have a kink . . . Twili Midna might just be a part of it. I'm just gonna . . . try to keep my mind on the moves. This is the true version of Midna, the regal queen of the Twilight Realm deposed by Zant and transformed into an imp. She only briefly appears at the end of Twilight Princess, but got added in as DLC to Hyrule Warriors, giving her a full and complete moveset outside of the regular Midna.

This moveset includes: the Mirror of Twilight, which will float around her and blast a beam of light, the ability to summon a bridge and a cannon from another location, a shattering tear, the ability to summon wolves to attack for her, and the ability to summon Twilight wherever she desires. I mean, that's more than enough for me.

Here's what we've got so far:

Standard B: Mirror of Twilight

She will cause the Mirror of Twilight to float up in front of her and blast a powerful beam of light at a 45 degree angle downward.

Side B: Shattering Tear

She will wipe a tear from her eye and fling it forward. It will have a tiny little hitbox, but it will be able to travel forward some distance, and will strike with tremendous force if it hits.

Up B: Twili Teleportation

She will teleport through Twilight, the way she can as regular Midna, and the way she transports other things from elsewhere.

Down B: Bridge

She will summon the broken bridge and smash it down in front of her, sweeping it back and forth for a second to add on additional damage.

Final Smash: Twilight Realm

She will summon a large sphere of Twilight around the stage, transforming everyone on the stage into wandering spirits. I believe someone else had something similar (I think it was Zant), and, yeah, I'm okay with that.

Entrance: She will rise from the ground as if having just recently been knocked out.

Taunts: Up, she will hum her little song that she hums. Side, she will summon a wolf and scratch its chin. Down, she will cover herself in her cloak.

Thanks for reading! Next up, our major ally from the plot of Hyrule Warriors!

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