Monday, September 12, 2022

Character Sheet: Riju


Today, we begin the third (and probably last) big character haul of the Zelda series, assuming the Tingle and CDi games, the remakes, the animated series, and the comics don't add in anything too drastic. Our list covers twenty-eight familiar faces, and they are:

1. Linkle

2. The Youth

3. Wild Zelda

4. Wild Impa

5. Twili Midna

6. Lana

7. Darmani

8. Yunobo

9. Mikau

10. Sidon

11. Teba

12. Riju

13. Hestu

14. Epona

15. Tingle

16. Agitha

17. Purah & Robbie

18. Yves

19. Terrako

20. King Rhoam

21. Wild Fairies

22. Monk Maz Koshia

23. Cia

24. Astor

25. Volga

26. Wizzro

27. Manhandla

28. Sooga

Today, we cover the last of the four descendants, this time Riju, the plucky teen descendant of Urbosa and queen of the Gerudo. Link meets her when he infiltrates the city disguised as a woman, and she agrees to help him board Vah Naboris with the help of her faithful sand seal Patricia.

Just like in Age of Calamity, Riju's playstyle is very heavily built around Patricia, riding around on a surfing shield while tethered to the rampaging seal. In this form, she can leap, dive, and sweep side to side, even going into a rage mode that boosts her speed for a short time. She can also call down a lightning strike and create a shield to protect herself from lightning, and she has a pair of Gerudo guards that can spring to her aid at will.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Lightning Strike

She will be able to call down a lightning strike directly ahead of her. Unlike her ancestor, who can call it immediately, it will be a bit more like wild lightning, with sparks flying around the target a split second before it strikes.

Side B: Gerudo Guards

She will summon in her two guards who will slash with their spears and protect her with their own bodies.

Up B: Patricia's Leap

Patricia will dive into the ground for a split second before bursting out and leaping into the air, carrying Riju with her.

Down B: Lightning Barrier

She will create a barrier of lightning around herself that will protect her from any energy attacks and do damage to anyone who gets too close. (I figure Rage Mode will have a meter for it, and then when it reaches the top, an A press should activate it).

Final Smash: Vah Naboris

Just like the other descendants, this will be the Divine Beast attacking while out of control. Vah Naboris will stomp across the stage, whipping up a blinding sandstorm and sending lightning strikes everywhere.

Entrance: She will be leaning her elbow on her throne, looking bored.

Taunts: Up, she will hold up the Thunder Helm. Side, Patricia will swim around her, and she will pet her. Down, the spirit of Urbosa will appear beside her and look at her with an approving smile.

Thanks for reading! Next up, a happy dancing Korok with one heck of a sidequest for you.

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