Thursday, September 15, 2022

Character Sheet: Tingle


Today, we begin the third (and probably last) big character haul of the Zelda series, assuming the Tingle and CDi games, the remakes, the animated series, and the comics don't add in anything too drastic. Our list covers twenty-eight familiar faces, and they are:

1. Linkle

2. The Youth

3. Wild Zelda

4. Wild Impa

5. Twili Midna

6. Lana

7. Darmani

8. Yunobo

9. Mikau

10. Sidon

11. Teba

12. Riju

13. Hestu

14. Epona

15. Tingle

16. Agitha

17. Purah & Robbie

18. Yves

19. Terrako

20. King Rhoam

21. Wild Fairies

22. Monk Maz Koshia

23. Cia

24. Astor

25. Volga

26. Wizzro

27. Manhandla

28. Sooga

Love him or hate him, he's . . . definitely a thing. First appearing in Majora's Mask and regularly making appearances in all games with a more cartoony bent, Tingle is a middle-aged man who claims to be a reincarnation of a fairy and spends his days dressing up in a leotard and floating around on balloons (Although both fairies and reincarnation are both a thing in this universe, so I'm not sure why anyone acts like he's weird). Many hate him, many love him, I'm . . . indifferent. Let's get into it.

While I'm sure his own spinoff games will bring more to the table, we'll just work off of Hyrule Warriors and the main games for now. These abilities include inflating a balloon to carry him upward, bouncing and rolling with said balloons, dropping a bunch of balloons as bombs, creating and selling maps, smacking you with a bag of rupees, and slamming down a golden trophy of himself. I think we can do things with that.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Rupee Smash

He will pull out his bag of rupees and smack you with it. This hit will cause a bunch of rupees to burst from the bag, which any player will be able to pick up, adding to their point total at the end of the match.

Side B: Balloon Roll

He will start rolling forward with his balloons. An extra tap will allow him to bounce off his balloons and up into the air.

Up B: Balloon Float

The most natural move for this character, he will inflate his balloon and float upward. He can then linger at the move's highest point for as long as he likes. Just like in-game, this balloon can be popped by any attack, sending him falling back down to the ground.

Down B: Trophy Smash

He will pull out his golden trophy and slam it down hard on the ground, with a sweet spot that will do heavy damage.

Final Smash: Balloon Bombs

Based on both his balloon bombs from Warriors and his common Assist Trophy ability in current Smash, he will do his little dance, with a burst of balloons behind him that will then fall from the sky as bombs.

Entrance: He will be floating in the air until his balloon pops and he falls to the ground.

Taunts: Up, he will do his little dance of "Kooloo limpah!" Side, he will pull out a map and take down some sketches. Down, a bunch of rupees will appear and he will gather them all up.

Thanks for reading! Next up, another WTF character brought to our list by Hyrule Warriors.

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