Friday, September 23, 2022

Character Sheet: Monk Maz Koshia


Today, we begin the third (and probably last) big character haul of the Zelda series, assuming the Tingle and CDi games, the remakes, the animated series, and the comics don't add in anything too drastic. Our list covers twenty-eight familiar faces, and they are:

1. Linkle

2. The Youth

3. Wild Zelda

4. Wild Impa

5. Twili Midna

6. Lana

7. Darmani

8. Yunobo

9. Mikau

10. Sidon

11. Teba

12. Riju

13. Hestu

14. Epona

15. Tingle

16. Agitha

17. Purah & Robbie

18. Yves

19. Terrako

20. King Rhoam

21. Wild Fairies

22. Monk Maz Koshia

23. Cia

24. Astor

25. Volga

26. Wizzro

27. Manhandla

28. Sooga

Scattered throughout Hyrule in Breath of the Wild are sacred shrines that house various challenges presided over by the desiccated corpses of ancient monks. And then, in the DLC for the game, one monk decided to get up off his pedestal and fight you himself as his personal challenge. Honestly, weird flex, but I kinda dig it. And then, naturally, Age of Calamity just had to include him as a playable character.

In his moveset and boss battle, he could grow bigger and stomp the ground, punch the ground and leave a crater, summon spears to throw at you, perform a spin attack, throw a giant boulder, send out orbs, wield a giant hammer, and just straight up slam one of his shrines down on top of you. You can't say he's not creative.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Light Spear

He will summon up a group of spears and launch them forward as multiple projectiles.

Side B: Grounding Punch

He will grow much bigger for a second and punch downward, burying his opponent in the ground.

Up B: Spin Attack

He will stretch out his arms and spin upwards, carrying himself high into the air and damaging anyone close by.

Down B: Sacred Orb

For this one, I wanted to pull from Breath of the Wild a little more. He will hold up a sacred orb you might get from one of the monks and absorb it, regaining a bit of his health and stamina.

Final Smash: Sheikah Shrine

He will leap off of the stage, expand up to giant proportions, and slam a full-sized Sheikah Shrine down on top of the stage.

Entrance: He will be sitting and meditating on his pedestal.

Taunts: Up, he will hover in the air for just a moment. Side, a group of sacred orbs will circle around him. Down, he will say the quote about the goddess leaving her blessings upon you.

Thanks for reading! With the ally characters out of the way, let's start up on our villains, starting with Cia.

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