Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Character Sheet: Epona


Today, we begin the third (and probably last) big character haul of the Zelda series, assuming the Tingle and CDi games, the remakes, the animated series, and the comics don't add in anything too drastic. Our list covers twenty-eight familiar faces, and they are:

1. Linkle

2. The Youth

3. Wild Zelda

4. Wild Impa

5. Twili Midna

6. Lana

7. Darmani

8. Yunobo

9. Mikau

10. Sidon

11. Teba

12. Riju

13. Hestu

14. Epona

15. Tingle

16. Agitha

17. Purah & Robbie

18. Yves

19. Terrako

20. King Rhoam

21. Wild Fairies

22. Monk Maz Koshia

23. Cia

24. Astor

25. Volga

26. Wizzro

27. Manhandla

28. Sooga

Here's one I wasn't expecting to do at first, and only after re-evaluating Link's moveset using her in Hyrule Warriors, coupled with everything else she's ever been able to do, I think there's just enough. And my rule has always been, if they can make their case, then I can't say no. So here's we go. (Oh, and to address the elephant, Malon's moveset will now just incorporate one of her other horses instead of Epona).

So, in Hyrule Warriors, most of her moveset is just her flailing around, kicking with her back legs, stomping with her front legs, smacking her head around into people and so on. She can also jump really high, as seen throughout many of the games, sometimes over barriers that block your path, and she can gain up to six speed boosts from eating carrots. It's a bare moveset potential, but it's there. A part of me might have even turned it down because, at the end of the day, it's mostly just "horse" things, but I think there's enough for it to be distinctly Epona.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Hind Leg Kick

As with most horses, her main line of attack is her powerful hind legs. She will rear up her backside and kick with a devastating blow on her opponents.

Side B: Speed Boost

She will have a set of five carrots as a meter down by her face. Pressing this will give her a sudden speed boost and feed her one of the carrots. Each speed boost will come with a charge that will do moderate damage when connected.

Up B: Flying Leap

Based heavily on her big jump from Ocarina of Time, but just her strong jumping ability in general, she will rear up and launch herself high into the air before coming back down.

Down B: Obstacle Jump

She will do a much smaller jump over a barrier from any of her games that she will strike with her feet and cause to fall over, doing damage to anyone it hits.

Final Smash: Stampede

Epona will rear up and stamp her front feet down against the ground. If it connects with anyone, a cutscene will show the stables from Breath of the Wild, their front gates breaking down, and all of the horses inside breaking loose and running down the move's target.

Entrance: You will hear Epona's whinny before she comes running on as if answering Link's whistle.

Taunts: Up, Epona will jump and buck around as if trying to get someone off. Side, she will hear Epona's Song and rock her head gently side to side. Down, she will nibble on some grass at her feet.

Thanks for reading! Next up, the series' most infamous little fairy man.

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