Thursday, April 13, 2023

Second Chance: Elder Princess Shroob


This one's a tricky one. Elder Princess Shroob is the older sister of Princess Shroob, and the true final villain of the game revealed after her sister is defeated, and honestly, she feels like she exists purely because the game developers wanted a last minute twist. So I mostly skipped her over, and just melded her in with her sister, but in the interest of fairness, I went back over both of their major battles and paid specific attention to their differences.

There's actually quite a bit. For one, Princess Shroob is smaller and much more reliant on technology. She rides around on a hover chair for her battles, one that can grow spider-legs and project a shield around itself. When off the hover chair, she can teleport and summon energy balls to throw at fighters. Obviously, there's more than enough to work with on just that alone.

On the other hand, Elder Princess Shroob is much more of a brute force kind of girl. She fires energy blasts, but from her mouth, uses tech only in a primitive capacity, like riding on top of two saucers to get higher and shooting saucers out of the sky to crash down on her enemies, and she attacks with tentacles that she lashes out and strikes her enemies with. She can also cough out a cloud of noxious gas and create shockwaves when landing on the ground.

So, although the characters don't really feel all that different, they're distinct enough for our purposes. My answer is . . .


Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Gas Cloud

She will cough out her cloud of noxious gas which will envelop those that pass through it and poison them.

Side B: Tentacles

She will extend her tentacles outward and spin them in a circle, damaging any that happen to be in their range.

Up B: Flying Saucers

She will ride on top of a pair of flying saucers before hopping down with a large shockwave.

Down B: Energy Blast

She will charge up a blast of energy in her mouth and spit it out directly in front of her.

Final Smash: Kamikaze Saucers

A fleet of saucers will appear in the sky above the stage. The princess will spit an energy disc into the sky, which will ricochet off the saucers and cause them to come crashing down explosively onto the stage.

Entrance: She will break out of the Cobalt Star.

Taunts: Up, she will laugh evilly while waving her tentacles. Side, she will extend her tentacles a bit and relax. Down, she will cough up a little bit of poison.

Kirby Hat: Her big mushroom head and crown.

Kart: A pair of Shroob saucers under her feet.

Special Move: She will fire an energy disc into the air, causing saucers to drop from the sky.

Spirit Battle: Princess Shroob on Shroob Mothership, followed by a giant battle with Elder Princess Shroob.

Victory Screen: She and her sister will laugh over a barren wasteland of mushrooms.

Losing Screen: She will pound on the inside of the Cobalt Star as it spins away.

Color Swaps: I believe we had four for her from her sister's list, so take those four, plus a black dress, a white dress, a green dress, and a dress more accurately based on Queen Elizabeth I.

Thanks for reading! Next up, we move on to the Multimedia characters.

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