Saturday, April 15, 2023

Second Chance: Mark Twang


Today, we come to the one-off episode characters from the Super Mario Bros. Super Show, generally the major characters from single episodes that I initially passed on for various reasons, but I'm giving them one more shot. First on the docket is Mark Twang, a steamboat captain from the episode "Rolling Down the River" which, if you hadn't guessed, is structured around steamboats and stories featuring them. Twang helps the Mario brothers when they get tossed from King Koopa's boat, and they then use his boat to race Koopa for control of the river.

I initially passed on Twang, because he's mostly just steering the boat and is fairly limited to said boat. However, there are things we can pull from it. At one point he uses a lasso to reel the brothers in, and later, the brothers use an onboard cannon to fire a plunger tied to a rope. Said cannon is later used to fire turnips at Koopa. In general, his boat gives off a lot of hot steam, especially from the broken pipes that the brothers fix. Finally, I noticed one point when Mario and Luigi were bouncing up and down on the ship's mechanisms that turn the paddlewheel to make it go faster, and then springboard off of them onto Koopa's ship. And with that, I think we managed just enough.

My answer is . . . 


Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Turnip Cannon

He will load his cannon with turnips and fire them forward as medium-damage projectiles.

Side B: Lasso

He will swing out his lasso and snag an opponent, reeling them in closer.

Up B: Wheel Mechanism

Just like the brothers, he will use the mechanisms from his boat to springboard himself up into the air and across large distances.

Down B: Steam

He will bring up a broken pipe in self-defense, which will spray a blast of steam forward, dealing burn damage to anyone hit.

Final Smash: The Ding Bell

His steamboat, the Dingbell, will run aground, powering across the stage and smacking into anyone in its way. It can be used as a temporary platform while it crosses.

Entrance: He will be steering, notice the fight, and stop.

Taunts: Up, he will pull the boat's horn. Side, he will plug his ears as the Mouth of the River talks to him. Down, he will look over a busted pipe.

Kirby Hat: His hat

Kart: A small version of the Ding Bell.

Special Move: He will release a bunch of steam to cloud the track.

Spirit Battle: Himself, on a steamboat stage (Possibly from Princess and the Frog or something).

Victory Screen: He will spitshine his boat and look proud.

Losing Screen: His boat will be sucked in the pit made by Koopa's bomb.

Color Swaps: Himself, a more standard Mark Twain look, a black suit, a red-and-white striped Colonel Sanders suit, a suit based on Tom Sawyer, a suit based on Huck Finn, a yellow suit, and a green suit.

Thanks for reading! Next up, a one-off villain named Queen Rotunda.

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