Saturday, April 29, 2023

Second Chance: Animal Buddies


The animal buddies were frustrating to me back when I was originally doing this series. Between them all, you had more than enough to build a moveset, but they were divided between a bunch of individuals with a single move or so each. And it wasn't like they had similar builds and body types like the Koopalings so that you could fudge it a little and make them color swaps. So I ultimately passed them over.

But, a few months back, I got an idea. A really great idea. What if the buddies fought as a bundle? Say, you had one of the big ones, like Rambi or Ellie, as the center, with a couple of the smaller ones around them at all times, moving as a unit, and every move brought out another one. A little unorthodox, but it could work.

So, for our options, we have Rambi the Rhino, who charges really fast; Expresso the Ostrich, who can glide across large gaps; Enguarde the Swordfish, who can swim and stab enemies; Winky the Frog, who can bounce high; Squawks the Parrot, who can pick up and fly the Kongs around; Rattly the Rattlesnake, who acts as a spring; Squitter the Spider, who can shoot webs to act as platforms; Glimmer the Angler Fish, who acts as a light; Clapper the Seal, who can freeze water solid; Quawks the Parrot, similar to Squawks; Ellie the Elephant, who can suck up water and squirt it; Parry the Bird; the Lightfish, similar to Glimmer; the Helper Monkeys; Hoofer the Wildebeest, similar to Rambi; Flurl the Squirrel, who acts as a parachute; Orco the Orca, similar to Enguarde; the Helibird; and Tawks.

My answer is . . . 


Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Squitter

The spider will emerge and spit webs forward, that will either act as projectiles or simply turn into temporary platforms if they don't hit anything.

Side B: Enguarde

The animals will bring out Enguarde and lunge forward, stabbing him through opponents like a sword.

Up B: Squawks

Squawks will appear and carry the group up and up above the stage. Rattly could work too, or other bouncy types.

Down B: Clapper

The seal will appear and breathe a gust of cold air to freeze opponents nearby.

Final Smash: Rampage

All the animals will emerge, with Rambi, Ellie, and Hoofer at their lead, and will charge across the stage at breakneck speed.

Entrance: They will burst from a barrel.

Taunts: Up, Quawks will fly up and hold out a flashlight for a second. Side, Expresso will come out and stretch his legs for a moment. Down, Enguarde will dive below the stage than leap back up.

Kirby Hat: So, imagine one of those tall hats, but with all the buddies' faces on it.

Kart: Rambi, with them all on the back.

Special Move: Squitter will spray webs forward, creating a new track for the players to take a shortcut with.

Spirit Battle: A horde battle on Kongo Jungle.

Victory Screen: The animals will all cheer and pose together.

Losing Screen: They will be hypnotized and set to labor.

Color Swaps: Rambi with Squawks and Enguarde, Rambi with Quawks and Rattly, Rambi with Winky and Expresso; Ellie with Parry and Squitter; Ellie with Squawks and Clapper; Ellie with Quawks and Glimmer; Hoofer with Flurl and Orco; Hoofer with the Helibird and the Lightfish.

Thanks for reading! Next up, maybe an echo? I'm not sure, exactly. Might leave it up to a poll.

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