Friday, April 21, 2023

Second Chance: King James


So, in theory this character would be an echo of the Flab Boys, being their boss and king of Rap Land (which is totally where Music Park and Electrodrome are located, by the way). The trouble is, part of the Flab Boys' moveset is tied to their body type, with them being able to bounce and roll around. Obviously, King James can't do that, so I guess this is more of an exercise in "If we remove the bouncing and rolling," is there enough to make a moveset out of. So, both James and his boys throw records as projectiles, King Koopa uses music to hypnotize people, and there's a big plug full of electricity. Outside of that, nothing really.

So, I guess my answer is . . . 


Guess the bouncing and rolling did contribute a lot. Oh, well. Thanks for reading! Next up, let's cover the Old Gray Wolf from a Little Red Riding Hood-based adventure.

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