Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Second Chance: X-Naut


Honestly, this is probably the first one on the list that I feel like I owe a genuine apology too. For some reason, as I was covering the Paper Mario series, I was in this weird headspace where I genuinely felt I couldn't have X-Nauts and Lord Crump both on the roster, because Lord Crump used X-Nauts so much. But now, a couple years later and having grown and evolved a lot in my considerations, that mentality seems just silly. For one, echo fighter should have been on the table, but I'm not even really sure that's necessary, as there's plenty of room between Crump and the X-Nauts to build at least semi-clones out of.

So, X-Nauts come in three varieties: standard X-Nauts, Elite X-Nauts, and X-Naut PhD's. X-Nauts typically attack with tackles and body slams, and can grow with a potion. They can also team up for various team attacks. Elites are fairly similar, just stronger. Finally, we have the PhD's, who come up with most of the tech used, including growth, shrinking, burning, and invisibility potions. Honestly, there's more than enough.

So, my answer is . . . 


Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Potion

They will toss out a potion, which can grow, shrink, or damage an opponent depending on random chance.

Side B: Body Slam

The X-Naut will rush forward and flop down, body slamming into their opponent.

Up B: Individual Drop

A group of X-Nauts will gather and toss the lead X-Naut into the air to come back down on a player's head.

Down B: Invisibility

The X-Naut will drink a potion that will render them invisible for a short time to move around unseen.

Final Smash: X-Naut Ball

A bunch of X-Nauts will gather up into a giant ball and roll across the stage, crushing anyone in their path.

Entrance: The X-Naut will step out of an elevator.

Taunt: Up, the X-Naut will hold up a beaker and swish it around for a second. Side, the X-Naut will salute and stand at attention. Down, the X-Naut will hide behind a screen and take off its uniform for a second.

Kirby Hat: The top of their uniforms and goggles

Kart: A boxy car based on Magnus von Grapple.

Special Move: They will toss out a potion that will shrink opponents.

Spirit Battle: A horde battle, accompanied by Lord Crump, on Rogueport.

Victory Screen: An army of them will march across the screen in unison.

Losing Screen: A bunch of them will be strewn around the stage unconcious.

Color Swaps: The standard red, a blue color, a green color, a black and white color, a yellow color, a purple color, an Elite X-Naut, and an X-Naut PhD.

Thanks for reading! Next up, another that could have been an echo, or even probably a semi-clone.

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