Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Second Chance: Mermushroom


In the episode "Mario of the Deep," Mario and his companions travel underwater only to discover that "Barra-Koopa" has taken over all of Aqua Land and enslaved the people, the mermaid-like Mermushrooms, one of which encounters the heroes and becomes their companion for most of the episode. Now, in my prior watch, she ended up getting a pass because, well, she didn't do much outside of swim beside them, but I can at least give her a second look for gimmick rep status. Elements of the Aqua Land setting around Mermushroom include swordfish used as swords and then thrown to pursue an opponent, sea horses ridden, tridents wielded by Koopa's minions and used against them, a giant whale controlled by King Neptune, and a net used to catch the heroes.

You know, I've done more with less. Let's do it. My answer is . . . 


And, while I'm at it, there's no reason King Neptune can't be an echo (though I won't make a second "Second Chance" sheet). Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Trident

The Mermushroom will thrust forward with a trident, stabbing with three points of damage. King Neptune's will hit harder.

Side B: Swordfish

She will throw out a swordfish. It will mostly act as a straightforward projectile, unless it doesn't hit anything by a certain point, at which period it will start swimming around until it strikes someone.

Up B: Swim Up

An easy one for any aquatic character, Mermushroom and King Neptune will both swim straight up with bubbles streaming behind, Mermushroom's being quicker.

Down B: Net

She will toss out a net, trapping characters underneath it just like catching a fish.

Final Smash: Neptune's Whale

Neptune's great whale will swim across the stage and fling its tail forward, smacking characters and sending them flying. It will remain the same for both.

Entrance: Both will emerge from an undersea cave.

Taunts: MER: Up, She will spin upward as fish surround her. Side, she will swim around it a circle happily. Down, she will cower behind coral. NEP: For all three, he will spout one of his "Hey, be cool, man" lines from when Koopa was threatening him,

Kirby Hat: MER: Her mushroom head. NEP: His crown.

Kart: MER: A kart based on herself. NEP: A kart based on his whale.

Special Move: MER: She will toss forward a swordfish that will act as a homing missile. NEP: His whale will slam into the stage in front of him.

Spirit Battle: MER: A horde battle, on Cheep Cheep Lagoon. NEP: on Cheep Cheep Lagoon, with a horde of Mermushrooms.

Victory Screen: MER: She will swim upward and perform a trick. NEP: He will kick back in his throne and chill.

Losing Screen: MER: She will be caught under a net and dragged away. NEP: He will be locked up in a tower.

Color Swaps: MER: The base level one, then seven based on other Mermushrooms seen throughout the episode. NEP: His standard appearance, then a few based on other versions of King Neptune (or Triton) in other media (Little Mermaid, Spongebob, etc.)

Thanks for reading! Next up, a knockoff of Sherlock Holmes!

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