Friday, April 28, 2023

Second Chance: Iggy and Spike


And now, let's cover the two idiot henchmen of the original Super Mario Bros. movie from 1993, Iggy and Spike, not to be confused with the Koopaling, enemy, or foreman of the same names. Iggy and Spike are the cousins of President Koopa, sent to the real world to kidnap Daisy who end up kidnapping a bunch of women because they don't know what she looks like. I'm mostly covering them because it feels weird for them to be so plot relevant and not on the roster.

So, let's see. In the beginning, they grab a bunch of women, carrying them all the way down to the portal and up to Koopa's Tower. I remember them attacking someone with plumbing equipment early on. And then at some point, they are inexplicably driving a vehicle through the desert. That's some. Then again, come to think of it, I see no reason that they can't use things like the devo-ray or bounce on the fungus. Those are pretty standardly connected to them in at least a small way. You know what?

My answer is . . . 


Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Devo-Ray

Just like their cousin and the Goomba henchmen, they will fire the Devo-Ray as a beam at opponents, slowing them down a bit and making them sluggish.

Side B: Grab and Dash

The cousin will rush forward, smack a player on their head, and dash off with them over their shoulder in the opposite direction.

Up B: Fungus

They will be bounced high into the air by some fungus from the movie.

Down B: Desert Buggy

Their little car from the movie will appear around them and it will drive forward, smacking into players.

Final Smash: Devolution

This will function in basically the same was as President Koopa's.

Entrance: They will emerge from the portal.

Taunts: Up, they will hold up a random woman from the movie and gesture as if asking if they got it right. Side, they will do the head-back-and-forth thing from the movie. Down, they will hold up their copy of Super Koopa Cousins proudly.

Kirby Hat: Their unique hairstyles.

Kart: Their desert buggy from the movie.

Special Move: They will become "smarter," allowing a Level 10 CPU to take over and drive for them for a while.

Spirit Battle: Both color swaps on Dinohattan.

Victory Screen: They will shake hands with some game developers.

Losing Screen: They will be bound up back-to-back.

Color Swaps: Iggy, Spike, Iggy with Iggy's green colors, Spike with the foreman's original colors, Iggy with Iggy/Lemmy's rainbow colors, Spike with the enemy's colors, Iggy with Larry's blue colors, Spike with the foreman's '94 colors.

Thanks for reading! Next up, something I've got a really good idea for and am actually really excited about.

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