Monday, April 10, 2023

Queen Bean


After much toil and trouble, Mario and Luigi make their way to the castle at the center of the Beanbean Kingdom to find most of the royal staff imprisoned by Cackletta and Fawful, the queen herself turned into a raging monster thanks to a worm in her stomach.

This is Queen Bean, the ruler of the Beanbean Kingdom. Though a very strong boss at first, after Mario and Luigi feed her cola to cough up the worm, she becomes a friendly ally to the brothers, giving them guidance whenever they return to the castle, and often sending her son Peasley out to give them useful hints or items.

As a fighter, Queen Bean will have a very high strength and weight stat, if a little on the slow side to compensate. Her moveset will pull from her own boss fight, elements of the Beanbean Kingdom directly related to her, and her faithful servant Lady Lima.

Likelihood rating: Never gonna happen.

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