Tuesday, April 18, 2023



In yet another episode, Mario and the team travel to the undersea kingdom of Aqua Land, which had been attacked by "Barra-Koopa." On their way, they encounter a strange mermaid with a mushroom on her head, being pursued by a squad of Bloopers.

This is a Mermushroom, one of the citizens of Aqua Land. This one in particular, though never given a name, would become Mario and his team's companion throughout the rest of the episode's adventure, helping them rescue King Neptune and oust Barra-Koopa.

As a fighter, she will be like most aquatic characters, swimming through the air as if underwater. She will be fast and slippery, and her moveset will come from most of the aspects of the undersea world around her.

Likelihood rating: Non-game.

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