Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Second Chance: Shadow Queen


Yet another instance of me telling myself "No, the Shadow Sirens can cover most of it, the queen should just be an extension of that," just like the bees, just like the X-Nauts. What can I say? I'm a dunderhead, and I apparently need a year of hindsight to figure that out.

Like the X-Nauts, I'm not even sure the queen needs to borrow from the Sirens' moveset for this the way they did from her. Across her battle we see her deal damage just by . . . glaring?, slap with her disembodied hands, drain energy with those same hands, cause a thousand shadowy hands to rise from the floor and attack, draw in a bunch of energy and release it in a dark wave, send her shadowy hands to drag the audience to the shadow realm, and cause a veil of darkness to fall over the world. She also vaporizes Sir Grodus's body with a lightning blast, so there's that too. Also, when she rises from the dead, she appears inside of a cyclone.

Yeah, there's plenty. I don't know what I was thinking. My answer is . . .


Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Energy Drain

She will reach out with a disembodied hand and draw energy from a nearby player.

Side B: Hands of Darkness

She will cause a patch of hands to reach up from the ground and attack the player with multiple hits.

Up B: Cyclone

She will rise off the ground in a typhoon of darkness, blowing around those standing too close to her in the process.

Down B: Dark Blast

A first tap and hold will allow her to draw in and charge up energy, raising her attack and defense for a second. A second tap will release a wave of darkness that will deal a lot of damage.

Final Smash: The Queen's Rise

Darkness will fall across the stage, tentacles will rise from the ground below, snagging the players and dragging them down. You will likewise hear screams from the audience offscreen. It would be fun, if used, for no crowd cheers to be heard ever after that point.

Entrance: She will rise from her tomb.

Taunt: Up, she will spread her arms and laugh evilly. Side, she will glare, and a set spot near her will receive one point of damage. Down, she will descend into shadow for a moment.

Kirby Hat: Her crown

Kart: A kart based on her tomb.

Special Move: She will cause hands to rise from the track, that will drag players down if driven into.

Spirit Battle: A giant battle, with Peach, on Rogueport.

Victory Screen: Darkness will fall eternally across the land as her opponents are dragged downward.

Losing Screen: She will dissolve into shadow, leaving only Princess Peach behind.

Color Swaps: Herself, a color based on Vivian, a color based on Marilyn, a color based on Beldam, possessing Princess Peach, possessing Daisy, possessing Rosalina, and possessing Pauline.

Thanks for reading! Next up, one that is very similar to a different character, so similar I'm still not sure they need to be separate.

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