Thursday, April 27, 2023

King Windbag


Another episode saw Luigi traveling to a neighboring kingdom to check on the local king after hearing reports of him being a bully. Upon arrival, he finds said king in the middle of throwing dishes at his servant for serving him the wrong kind of meat.

This is King Windbag. As Luigi is trying to discuss the matter with him, the Koopalings Hip and Hop break in, steal the king's wand, and turn both he and Luigi into dogs, making him Luigi's companion for the episode as they strive to get the wand back and return to their old selves.

As a fighter, King Windbag will be loud and brash, using his strength to push players around, but gaining a speed boost whenever a move shifts him into a dog. His moveset will pull from his abilities shown throughout the episode.

Likelihood rating: Non-game.

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