Monday, April 17, 2023

Second Chance: Queen Rotunda


Another one-off character of note that ended up being skipped was Queen Rotunda, the queen of Rotundaland, and one of the few non-King Koopa related villains. (In fact, King Koopa never appeared in the episode). She was a fascist tyrant over her people, whose personal mage Hildy had cooked up a love potion to force a neighboring prince to marry her, only for her to accidentally drink it herself and fall in love with Mario.

In the first watch-through, she mostly just strongarms her way into getting what she wants, with just physical grabs and things, with the love potion added on top, but on closer inspection, there are a few things we can use. First up, the party is first brought before her for stealing peppers that were growing wild, by her knights who wield javelins throughout the episode. There's a couple of times she throws food at people, and at one point she eats some hot pepper ice cream and literally floats off the ground from the heat. I think I can do things with that.

My answer is . . . 


Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Javelin

She will throw a javelin used by her guards as a projectile, pinning them to a wall if set up just right.

Side B: Forced Kiss

She will reach out and grab with her strong arms and plant a strong kiss on her opponent, sapping them of health.

Up B: Hot Pepper Ice Cream

She will steam from an excess of heat and float up off of the ground a little, though she won't get much height.

Down B: Love Potion

She will toss out a love potion, striking an opponent and stunning them while hearts surround their head.

Final Smash: Guards!

She will call for her guards and a swarm of Beezos in knight armor will swoop in, snag the players with their javelins and carry them away.

Entrance: She will admire herself in the mirror then put it away.

Taunts: Up, he will admire a picture of Prince Pompadour with hearts in her eyes. Side, she will take a lick of cake frosting and look disgusted. Down, Hildy will appear and hold up a new bottle of love potion for her.

Kirby Hat: Her crown and bun.

Kart: A padded car based on her castle.

Special Move: She will toss out a love potion that will force the player to slow down and stay behind her.

Spirit Battle: Herself, on Pasta Land.

Victory Screen: Prince Pompadour will hug her with hearts in his eyes as she tosses away the potion.

Losing Screen: She will get tossed into her own dungeon by her guards.

Color Swaps: Herself, a look based on Prince Pompadour, a look based on Hildy, a look based on her knights, a look based on Mario, a look based on Luigi, a look based on Peach, and a look based on Queen Elizabeth.

Thanks for reading! Next up, a mermaid ally from one episode.

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