Thursday, April 27, 2023

Second Chance: King Windbag


Today, let's go over King Windbag from the "Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3" episode "Life's Ruff." He is a king that Luigi goes to check up on because Princess Toadstool has been receiving multiple complaints of him being a bully to his subjects. As he and Luigi are arguing, Hip and Hop break in, steal the king's wand, and turn them both into dogs. Luigi and Windbag are then forced to chase Hip and Hop back to the real world, where Windbag experiences what it's like to be "treated like a dog."

At the beginning of the episode, we see Windbag throw plates of food because he was served the wrong meat and cast spells to zap his subjects for his own enjoyment. His wand is also the dog-transforming perpetrator, so there's that. After they are transformed, he and Luigi convince other dogs to form a pyramid to escape, dug a tunnel under a fence, and grab a rope and run around a person really fast to tie them up. After he is changed back, he uses his wand to open a portal back to the Mushroom Kingdom.

Yeah, there's enough here. I don't know what I was missing. My answer is . . . 


Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Duck

He will toss a plate of roast duck forward as a projectile, shouting "DUCK!" really loudly as he does so.

Side B: Bind

He will transform into his dog form and rush an opponent, running around them really fast and tying them up with a rope.

Up B: Dogpile

A group of dogs will form a pyramid that he will bound up.

Down B: Dig

Maybe it helps that Multiversus has since debuted Bugs Bunny, who showed how a digging move can be viable. Basically, he will dig underground and come up in a new location.

Final Smash: Dog Transformation

He will raise his staff into the air and cast a dog transformation spell. I figure we can get a little creative with the dog breeds of every character, or just do a random selection of breeds. They will remain that way, unable to fight, for a short time.

Entrance: He will drop out of a pipe in the sky.

Taunts: Up, he will wave his wand and make sparkles appear. Side, he will hold up a plate of turkey and lick his lips. Down, he will become a dog, turn around three times, and lay down.

Kirby Hat: His crown and hair.

Kart: A kart based on his dog form.

Special Move: He will turn into a dog and automatically chase the next car up, keeping a constant pace with them.

Spirit Battle: He and TV Luigi on the Doomship.

Victory Screen: He will present the losers with a turkey dinner.

Losing Screen: He will be caught by the episode's dogcatcher and end up tossed in a kennel.

Color Swaps: His own appearance, color schemes based on the seven kings from Super Mario Bros. 3.

Thanks for reading! Next up, the henchmen from the original Super Mario Bros. movie.

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