Friday, April 28, 2023

Iggy & Spike


As the Mario brothers get to work, the scene focuses in on a couple of strangely dressed goons staked out in a car, pointing at various women and asking each other if she might be the one.

These two are Iggy and Spike, the henchmen of the movie's villain President Koopa, not to be confused with similar villains of the same name from the games. They were sent to Manhattan to find the Princess Daisy, but not knowing what she looks like, they end up bringing back a bunch of other random women in the process.

As fighters, the two cousins will be color swaps of each other, Iggy going first. They will be big and dumb but not quite as strong as they could be, mostly flailing about cluelessly in many of their attacks. Their moveset will pull from their shown abilities in the movie, as well as a few elements around them.

Likelihood rating: Non-game.

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