Saturday, April 15, 2023

Mark Twang


Another episode took the brothers and their friends to River World, based heavily on the old stories of Mark Twain. While there, Princess Toadstool was taken captive by the now Captain Koopa, who was holding her aboard his steamboat. After one unsuccessful rescue attempt, Mario and Luigi found themselves pulled out of the water by the friendly captain of another steamboat.

This is Mark Twang, an obvious reference to the famous author himself, and captain of the Ding Bell. He had been competing with Koopa for control of the river, only for Koopa's minions to sabotage his engine room. Thanks to the Mario brothers' plumbing skills, he was able to get back into the race and help the brothers rescue their princess.

As a fighter, Mark won't be particularly active, using tech and machinery from his boat to make up the majority of his moveset. He will have a decent speed stat though.

Likelihood rating: Non-game.

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