Wednesday, March 16, 2022


The Wario Ware series would see multiple entries throughout the years, each time bringing back its colorful cast of characters with new unique mechanics, including a D.I.Y. game that let you design your own microgames, and a semi-spinoff in Game & Wario. In 2018, the series released Wario Ware Gold, one of the last games developed for the 3DS. The game’s story saw Wario stealing a precious treasure from the nearby Luxeville, only for him to then be challenged by a little girl determined to get it back.

This is Lulu, the hero of Luxeville who set out to take down Wario after he stole their community toilet. She would appear throughout the story of the game, eventually facing him in a showdown at the game’s end. Despite this history, she would apparently agree to work as one of his developers in the next game.

As a fighter, Lulu will have average stats, with a lot of good speed and aerials but not much power. Her moveset will pull from the various tools and weapons she uses against Wario in Gold as well as her ability to fly with her bow in Get It Together.

Likelihood rating: Probably not

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