Friday, March 11, 2022

Jimmy T.

Determined to make more money than the Pyoro games ever did, Wario calls up a bunch of his friends from around Diamond City and ropes them into helping him develop microgames. The first of these was a rad dude with a big blue afro who liked nothing more than to hang out at the local disco club.

This was Jimmy Thang, better known as Jimmy T. Due to his musical disco nature, he often served the role as the remixer of the different developers’ microgames, taking them all and mixing them up as review challenges for the player. When not doing that, he was using his physicality for sports-themed games.

As a fighter, Jimmy will rely on flowing technical moves with a lot of pizzazz to them. His moves will pull from his own adventures in his framing stories as well as his sports-themed microgames.

Likelihood rating: Good possibility

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