Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Yoshi Adventure Mode


Opening scene: Late at night, Kamek and his minions sneak into eight different houses. Determined not to let the future come to pass, he has made one last grand effort to kidnap the baby forms of Mario, Luigi, Peach, Daisy, Rosalina, Wario, Waluigi, and Donkey Kong before they can grow up to challenge his infant future king. In the attempt, Baby Mario puts up a fight, nailing Kamek right in the nose and causing him to drop him into the jungle far below. Baby Mario lands amid the Yoshi tribe again, and they quickly figure out what Kamek is up to. The Yoshis agree to help him save the other babies.

World 1: Yoshi’s Island

There will only be one world in this game, but otherwise it will follow the same principle as the previous adventure modes. It will be able to stand as a solid Yoshi game in its own right, but will also act as a Smash game. The world will consist of eight levels, just like in the Yoshi series, each of the first seven unlocking one of the other seven babies. Poochy will appear several times across the world, and at least one level will see you transported to a world of yarn. Kamek will fight you himself as the mid-boss, while Baby Bowser will fight you as the final boss.

Ending scene: Defeated, Kamek will swoop in and carry Baby Bowser away. The Yoshi tribe will then head off with the babies to return them to their homes, only for a portal to open up before them and an invitation to Peach’s party to fly out.

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