Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Donkey Kong Classic Mode


I’m not intensely familiar with any Donkey Kong game the way I am with, say, Mario 64, but here’s one for Donkey Kong 64.

1.       DK Isle: It would be set on DK Isle obviously. If forced to play as the main characters, you’d be Donkey Kong alone and you’d probably be fighting a horde of Kritters and Klumps.

2.       Jungle Japes: Probably just set on Kongo Jungle, with Diddy and Tiny joining as companions if forced to be the main characters, and maybe fighting someone like Dillon from Dillon’s Rolling Western to act as Army Dillo. If not, I’d probably have you fight Diddy and Tiny.

3.       Angry Aztec: Set on Desert Hills or another desert level from a different series. Once again, Lanky if not playing as the mains, someone who’d fit as Dogadon (Maybe Yanmega).

4.       Frantic Factory: Chunky in the same roles as above and set on Frantic Factory. If not fighting him, then maybe some Kritters with metal effects to be the Robo-Kritters.

5.       Gloomy Galleon: Probably Gloomy Gulch or Gangplank Galleon. Maybe Ariel would act as the mermaid from this level, assuming Disney is going to have its own section in this theoretical game too.

6.       Fungi Forest: Probably set on Mushroom Gorge, with Honeybees in Zinger colors for the first half and Dry Bones or other ghostly enemies for the second half.

7.       Crystal Caves: Set in a more crystalline stage. I’m sure there’d be one. Lord Fredrik could take the place of the Viking Kremling.

8.       Creepy Castle: Maybe Luigi’s Mansion or Gruntilda’s Lair if that ends up being a thing. I wouldn’t say no to a King Kut Out boss battle.

9.       Hideout Helm: Probably Gangplank Galleon or something like it, fighting another horde of Kritters, Klumps, and Krushas.

10.   Final Battle: Giant King K. Rool on a Boxing Ring stage, probably the Punch-Out!! one.

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