Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Donkey Kong Assist Trophies

Here's a few assist trophies I thought up to go with it!

a.       Kip and Kass: they will function similarly to Kat and Ana or Latias and Latios in previous Smash games, zipping around on their rocket barrels all over the place.

b.       Klaptrap: functionally identical to its current assist trophy.

c.       Necky: it will linger on one side of the stage, only its head and neck seen, pecking at the fighters before it.

d.       Squitter: he will hop around, spewing webs and creating new temporary platforms to stand on.

e.       Swanky Kong: he will transport to the bottom corner of the screen and wave his arms, making his minigame appear. Depending on the results of the game, the summoner will get a boost of various types.

f.        T.T.: He will come on and alter the time flow of the stage, slowing it to a crawl or speeding everything up.

g.       Zinger: it will buzz around the stage, lashing out with its stinger intermittently.

*Side note: Literally any animal buddy could also be an assist trophy, as that's practically they're role in game. I limited it to Squitter, because I thought he'd be the most fun, but Rambi, or Expresso, or Enguarde, or any of the others could be just as fun.

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