Wednesday, March 16, 2022

The Shake King

At around this same time, the Wario Land series finally saw a fifth installment, or sixth depending on how you consider Wario World. The game featured a great, cartoony art style and the return of Captain Syrup, this time recruiting him to help her rescue a race of fairies from a bigger, badder evil pirate.

This pirate is the Shake King, a greedy tyrant who took the Merfles and their queen hostage in order to claim their magical bag of unending treasure for himself, a treasure Syrup and Wario are also after. He serves as the main villain of the game, facing Wario in one-on-one battle in the end.

As a fighter, he will be big, heavy, and strong, with a lot of similarities to Wario himself. His moveset will pull from his final boss battle as well as some of the game’s unique mechanics, such as shaking your Wiimote in order to shake loose treasure from objects and enemies.

Likelihood rating: Probably not

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