Monday, March 14, 2022

Ashley & Red

Next came Wario Ware: Touched!, released for the Nintendo DS, which was full of games that relied on you using the system’s touch screens in multiple ways. With the game came a couple of new developers, the most famous of which being a little witch-in-training with social anxiety who lives with her demon companion in a big haunted mansion.

This is Ashley, and her demon’s name is Red. You’d better learn it. After her introduction, she skyrocketed to popularity among the developers, even getting a strong demand for Smash. She’d never quite gain a consistent theme for her microgames, but her framing stories often involved her trying to master spells with disastrous results.

As a fighter, Ashley will be floaty due to her broom and will rely heavily on magic spells and the help of her demon Red. Her moveset will primarily pull from the spells she casts in her framing stories and the bombs Red can drop.

Likelihood rating: Strong

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