Friday, March 25, 2022

Roster Select Screen

This is, at least, a rough estimate of what I imagine the roster select screen would look like on a game like this. You start with a vast cosmos map, with selections available for video games, movies, books, mythology, real life, and so on. You would click on one, and it would zoom in. For instance, you'd click video games, and it would zoom in, showing you selections for all the various video game companies: Nintendo, Sega, Capcom, and so on. You would click on Nintendo, and it would get even bigger, showing you a roster of all of Nintendo's major franchises. This scene here is likely what you'd see when you clicked on the Mario selection there, zooming in on a map of the Mario world as seen in Mario Odyssey, with the core Mario roster right up front, but the other rosters floating nearby. If you clicked on the core Mario roster, it would then become a pretty standard character select screen, and you would be able to navigate to those others by zooming back out or by hitting the select button for that specific roster.

Anyway, now we're done. Moving ahead into the future, here are my plans. I'm going to take a week (I was going to take two weeks, but then we had our family situation last month, and it doesn't feel right doing that after already taking a week off, so I'm just going to do one week and split the difference), and then I'll start back up on Monday, April 4th with the Legend of Zelda series, going through the games and evaluating characters and so on like I started doing. However long that will take me, I don't know, but it'll definitely go by much faster than the Mario series did. When I have finished, and posted all the character cards, stage cards, rosters, and so on like I've done with this series, I will return to the Mario franchise, go over every bit of media that has come out since (Mario + Rabbids, the new Strikers game, the Chris Pratt movie) and update the rosters accordingly as needed. I will move on to Metroid after that point, returning once finished to go over any Mario or Zelda material that will have come out in that time, and so on and so forth.

And that pretty much covers it. Thank you so much for reading through this awesome journey.

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