Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Captain Syrup

Wario’s huge success following his introduction saw him replacing Mario as the protagonist of the next Super Mario Land game, now titled Wario Land. The plot would find him adrift after being ousted from Mario’s castle, coming to an island a band of pirates had made their hideout.

These pirates were led by a woman named Captain Maple Syrup. She would menace Wario in this game and return in Wario Land II, seeking revenge for her defeat in the previous game. After that, she fell off the map for a while before returning in Wario Land: Shake It!

As a fighter, she will have decent speed and strength to her, and will also dabble in sneaky moves from time to time. Her moveset will pull from her two games as the main villain and her supporting role in her third game.

Likelihood rating: Could happen

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