Friday, March 11, 2022


Probably one of the first to throw her hat into the mix was a local go-getter high school student, who spends most of her time jumping from job to job, doing everything she can to get ahead in life.

This is Mona, a cheerleader/gelato shop worker/pizza delivery girl/etc. with a distinct and stated crush on Wario, despite being one of the first to call him out on his crap when he pulls it. Her microgames tend to be categorized as “Weird” which I often take to be the random stuff she’s doing to get ready as she rushes from job to job.

As a fighter, she will be fast, due to her tendency to rush around all the time, with more average stats on the rest. Her moveset will incorporate her three helpful pets, her various jobs she has worked, and her “weird” microgames.

Likelihood rating: Good possibility

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