Thursday, March 10, 2022


As Wario became a constant presence in all of Mario’s multiplayer games, he found himself in need of a partner for games like tennis, seeing as Mario had Luigi and Princess Peach had Daisy. In came his brother, a tall, gangly, slightly flamboyant doppelganger of Luigi.

This is Waluigi, well known for being highly in demand in the Smash community despite his constant rejections. Like his brother, he becomes a constant contender in every multiplayer Mario game, despite never appearing in any adventure game or even any of Wario’s spinoffs.

As a fighter, Waluigi will be fast and agile with decent strength but a large hit box. His moveset will almost make him the ultimate representative of the entire library of Mario sports games, pulling from every single one of them.

Likelihood rating: Strong

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