Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Wario Adventure Mode


Opening scene: We zoom in on Wario’s house in Diamond City. Waluigi gets out of a cab, having just arrived to visit his brother. Stepping inside, he finds Wario preoccupied by putting the finishing touches on his new set of microgames, his developers around him demanding that he pay them. Wario tries to weasel out of it, but before he can, the house is stormed by a band of pirates, who steal the new games and take the developers hostage, leaving Wario and Waluigi behind in the ruins. Wario jumps up and takes off after them, shouting about wanting his money back, and Waluigi hurries after him.

World 1: Diamond City

Same story as before, it will stand as a solid Wario game but also a good Smash game mode as well. Each world will feature a few levels, each of which will allow you to rescue one of the captured developers. To fully unlock them as part of your team, however, you will have to complete their batch of microgames.

Wario quickly stumbles across a familiar face in Captain Syrup, who tells him that the Shake King has returned, taken over her crew, and is seeking revenge for Wario defeating him before. Wario goes after him, working his way down to the docks where the Sweet Stuff is docked. Once there, Wario fights the Shake King as the final boss.

World 2: S.S. Caviar

Upon the Shake King’s defeat, Captain Syrup appears behind Wario and shoots him and Waluigi with a magic remote she’d stolen from his house, sending them both into the television. Wario’s rescued developers try to fight her, but she cracks open a magic music box also stolen from Wario’s house.

Wario and Waluigi wake up in the world of the Silver Zephyr. Count Cannoli and Carpaccio appear, informing them that Terrormisu has broken free from her prison once again. Wario refuses to help, but agrees to once they point out that she has all of Cannoli’s treasure. The team traverse the world, finding a few more captured developers, and eventually face Terrormisu as the final boss.

World 3: The Golden Pyramid

Having defeated Terrormisu and found a portal back to the real world behind her, Wario and Waluigi go through, joined by Cannoli and Carpaccio. On the other side, they find that reality has been warped and Diamond City is now a dense jungle, the Golden Diva’s Pyramid in the center. Lured by the treasure, Wario takes off after it, Waluigi, Cannoli, and Carpaccio following, assuming he is going to save his friends.

Princess Shokora appears here, joining your party. Eventually, you work your way to the center of the pyramid and face Rudy the Clown, taking down his reality warping upon his defeat.

World 4: The S.S. Teacup

Now that Diamond City is back to normal, and Wario has gathered an army of friends and allies, they work out that Captain Syrup is behind all of it and storm the S.S. Teacup, most wanting to defeat her, Wario just wanting his games back. You even come across Lulu, who had been coming to visit her friends in the city and discovered what was happening, taking it upon herself to become the hero. You face Captain Syrup in one final battle.

Ending scene: Syrup slumps down against the deck of the ship, surrounded by the heroes. Wario runs past them and grabs his games and Syrup’s treasure. His developers surround him, looking irritated. Wario attempts to escape with the treasure and tries to shoot them with the magic remote from his pile. He finds that it had been broken after Syrup used it, and the attempt fails. The developers descend on him and take all of the treasure as payment. As they’re celebrating and chatting about their victory, a portal appears and an invitation flies out.

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