Wednesday, March 16, 2022


Wario manages to best both Cannoli and Carpaccio time and time again, finally reaching a large volcano level. A gentle voice calls out to him, warning him not to go as it is too dangerous, and he turns to see a fair maiden running up to join him.

This maiden introduces herself as Tiaramisu, but she is soon revealed to be Terrormisu, an ancient being of great evil who was sealed away thousands of years ago by Cannoli and Carpaccio’s ancestors, their phantom thieving heritage having been a part of keeping her locked up, Wario’s intervention being just the advantage she needed to make her escape.

As a fighter, she will seem to be light and floaty without a lot of power behind her, until you get up close and she packs quite a punch. Her moveset will pull primarily from her final boss battle and her four different forms.

Likelihood rating: Never gonna happen

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