Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Character Sheet: Clovis


Now, we have finished the television series, and we have SO many characters to cover, from all across the spectrum. There are a few characters here and there that might get a few upgrades to their movesets, mostly being the Donkey Kong cast (one example, I think Klump should absolutely have a Klaptrap gun now). But, there are so many that are so distinct from their game counterparts, I could only make a brand new slot for them. They are:

1.     Beezo

2.     Flurry

3.     Rex

4.     Tryclyde

5.     TV Mario

6.     TV Luigi

7.     Tommy Treehugger & Co-MC

8.     Evil Eric & Tammy Treehugger

9.     Princess Toadstool

10.  TV Toad

11.  Bones Bailey

12.  Oogtar

13.  King Koopa

14.  Robo Koopa

15.  TV Koopalings

16.  Wizenheimer

17.  Clovis

18.  Barney Todd

19.  Master Bryan

20.  Kid Dynamo

21.  Dr. Demise

22.  Gorilla Ghost

23.  Mervin the Magician

24.  Genie

25. Brutius Grouchimus Maximus

26.  Captain Clump

27.  Bunsen

28.  Hercufleas

29.  Salvador Drainaro

30.  Sergeant Kooperman

31.  Flab Boys

32.  James Blonde

33.  Vampa White

34.  Zero

35.  Captain Abidab

36.  Mugga the Medicine Woman

37.  Misaki

38.  Waldo the Wizard

39.  Quirks

40.  Queen Mushroomkhamen

41.  Wizard King of the West

42.  Junior

43.  Mighty Plumber

44.  Crime Wave Clyde

45.  Dino Riders

46.  Candy Kong

47.  Bluster Kong

48.  Eddie the Mean Old Yeti

49.  Baby Kong

50.  Kong Fu

51.  Metal Head

52.  Captain Skurvy

Today, let's begin the one-off episode characters that stood out enough to warrant a moveset of their own. Unlike the main characters, I probably won't be bringing up the actors that played them. The way I imagine it, the actor was probably brought in one day, recorded lines in a funny voice for an hour or two, and then walked away with a paycheck and probably don't even remember voicing them. They could come back to reprise or you could recast them, and no one would really be bothered one way or another.

First up, we have Clovis from the Saturday Supercade episode "Movie Mania." In the episode, Clovis is a movie star orangutan who ends up fired when Donkey Kong stumbles onto the set one day and the director decides DK has the greater star power. This leads Clovis to turn to attempted murder as he tries and fails to sabotage scenes starring the big ape. These murder attempts include using a pair of scissors to cut a rope Donkey Kong is swinging from, attacking him with an axe, dueling him with a stick, swinging from a rope and tying people up with it, and using a sail from a pirate ship set as wings.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Axe

Probably the most brutal attempt, Clovis will swing with an axe downward, either striking an opponent with it or lodging it in the ground for a second.

Side B: Scissors

He will lunge out with scissors and snap them closed, damaging opponents, grabbing items, or cutting off projectiles.

Up B: Sail Wings

Donkey Kong used this mainly, but it's from his episode and very much a part of the them and concept of the episode. He will be pulled up by a rope for a second and then he will be able to float back down on the wings.

Down B: Rigging

Clovis will use the rigging from the ship set appearing in the episode to wrap up an opponent, preventing them from moving for a short time.

Final Smash: Pirate Set

This is based on the central setting of the climax of the episode, where Clovis takes on the role of villain to try to take out Donkey Kong and steal back his stardom. The ship from the episode will appear in the background and it will proceed to fire on the stage, as if in the middle of a mock-battle.

Entrance: He will swing down on some rigging.

Taunts: Up, he will raise his arms in the air as if thanking his adoring fans. Side, he will rub his hands together sneakily. Down, he will stretch out on a lawn chair like when we first see him.

Thanks for reading! Now, let's cover Mario's rival in the circus industry, Barney Todd!

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