Monday, September 25, 2023

Samus Aran


In 1986, three years into the NES’s lifespan, Nintendo produced a new platformer based heavily on the sci fi horror genre, most specifically the Alien franchise and the works of H.R. Geiger, with a lone bounty hunter traversing an alien planet alone while facing a number of horrifying alien monsters.

This lone bounty hunter is named Samus Aran. Although, she appears in full armor hiding her true appearance, if you complete the game with a high enough percentage, she will reveal herself as a young human woman at the end of the game. Further games would flesh out her backstory as an orphan raised by a race called the Chozo and augmented to be capable of incredible feats of strength and agility.

As a fighter, Samus Aran is quick and powerful, with solid defense owing to her power suit. Her moveset will pull from the various abilities she picks up throughout her games, such as missiles, bombs, and various types of laser beams.

Likelihood rating: Already in.

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