Thursday, September 28, 2023



Super Metroid follows much the same formula as the first game, with the recurring locations of Brinstar, Norfair, and Tourian, each bearing Kraid, Ridley, and Mother Brain as their bosses respectively. However, the game expands on this, with two new regions, being Wrecked Ship and Maridia respectively. On Wrecked Ship, Samus will find herself up against a ghostly octopus-alien of some kind.

This octopus-alien is Phantoon, an energy parasite drawn to destroyed spacecraft that exists on two planes of existence, meaning that Samus cannot hit him until he shifts over to her own plane. He appears as a boss twice throughout the series.

As a fighter, Phantoon will be floaty but powerful, with high defense owing to his ghostly properties and energy-stealing abilities. His moveset will pull from his two major boss battles throughout the series.

Likelihood rating: Never gonna happen.

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