Saturday, September 30, 2023



Stripped of her weapons and equipment by the Ing, Samus finds her way to a large temple nearby, which contains a shrine holding a bright glowing light. There, she encounters a tall insectoid being who looks over and protects the light.

This is U-Mos, the last surviving member of the Luminoth species, the former inhabitants of Light Aether, who were slaughtered by the Ing. U-Mos acts as an exposition character for Samus mostly, instructing her on the history of his people and the aspects of both Light and Dark Aether.

As a fighter, U-Mos will be light and floaty, with not a lot of direct physical power behind him. His moveset will pull from all aspects of Light Aether, including the Light Beam and Light Armor Samus uses.

Likelihood rating: Could happen.

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