Friday, September 15, 2023

Character Sheet: Amokmaw


And now we have a long list of character who appear exclusively within the Metroid comics, manga, and other non-game media. These will all act as a roster on their own, separate from the standard game roster. They are:

1. Joey Apronika

2. Kreatz

3. Mauk

4. Diesel

5. GFS Tyr Crew

6. Armstrong Houston

7. Zegan Doh

8. Bomad

9. U-Ton

10. Papa Lightning

11. Chozo Elders

12. Greed

13. Bishop

14. Knight

15. Dangelo

16. Pirate Boss

17. Amokmaw

18. Integra

19. Megaroid

One of Samus and Joey's first missions together entailed them answering a distress call from a relief ship that had become stranded on an ice planet while en route to help with a crisis on another planet. Among the crew is Joey's estranged mother Diana, who left after his father died. As they try to get the relief ship back up and running again, they soon find the planet infested with ravenous half-penguin half-piranha creatures that swarm the ship during the night.

The Amokmaw appear innocent and harmless until their spot a possible prey. They have huge mouths full of teeth that eat through everything. They can also slide across the ice at intense speeds, and come in huge numbers. From their mouths, they can shoot energy beams as well as let off devastating soundwaves. They are led by the gigantic Amok Mommy.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Devour

The Amokmaw will snap with its mouth, chomping down on anything in its path and chewing on it to do damage.

Side B: Jet Slide

The Amokmaw will drop onto its belly and slide forward like a bullet, slamming into the nearest opponent.

Up B: Sound Wave

It will let out its sound wave, stunning any standing too close. This will function similar to Jigglypuff's Sing in that way.

Down B: Energy Blast

It will open up its mouth and fire an energy blast as a projectile.

Final Smash: The Swarm

Amok Mommy can appear, but I think it's scarier if just an endless horde floods the stage, eating everything in sight and leaving nothing behind.

Entrance: They will waddle on in their harmless form, spot the nearest opponent, and take on their ravenous appearance.

Taunts: Up, the Amokmaw will hop in the air, trying to chomp at something above it. Side, it will open its mouth and look bug-eyed at the camera. Down, it will revert back to its harmless appearance for a second.

Kirby Hat: The top of its head.

Kart: Based on one sliding.

Special Move: A swarm of them will surge across a section of the track, creating a barrier.

Spirit Battle: A horde battle on an ice level. (Metroid doesn't have a specific one of those on my current roster, but really any will do)

Victory Screen: The Amokmaws will chow down on the remains of the ship and its crew.

Losing Screen: The Amokmaws will swarm in on the body of their fallen Mommy.

Color Swaps: Each one using the basic color scheme of a type of Penguin, like Emperor, Macaroni, Chinstrap, things like that, ending on the Amok Mommy.

Thanks for reading! Next up, powerful robots built by the Dominion!

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