Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Metroid: Zebes Invasion Order


Today, let's begin covering everything else that's not a video game and doesn't quite fall under the manga or comic tab either. We will start with Metroid: Zebes Invasion Order, which is . . . kind of a video game, I guess. It's a "gamebook," which is basically a choose-your-own-adventure book, but as a purely text-based computer game. It takes you through the entire first game, but instead of playing the game, it describes each event as it happens and you have to choose what to do next. I played it. It was really tedious. I don't recommend it. But it's cool for novelty's sake. Maybe look up a playthrough on YouTube if you're interested.

Anyway, the game is mostly the same, but there is a bonus "after-adventure" that takes place after you defeat Mother Brain. It features a Space Pirate boss (a human for some reason), who fights with swords and lasers, as well as a mutated Metroid, listed as Metroid=Mutant, that can move really fast, drain the player's energy, and attacks with sharp tentacles, which follows Samus onto her ship as she escapes the planet.

That's pretty much it. Here's what we've got so far:


Pirate Boss: sword, lasers

Metroid=Mutant: speed, drain energy, tentacles


I don't know what stage you could make here, but I could try to think of something, I guess.

Thanks for reading! Next up, all the other various books.

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