Tuesday, September 26, 2023



The original Metroid proved a hit, becoming a popular entry in the NES’s lifetime and becoming half of the namesake of a new style of platformer, Metroidvania. This success resulted in Metroid seeing a handheld sequel for the Game Boy, joining the likes of Super Mario Land and Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening. This sequel saw Samus traveling to the Metroid homeworld of SR388 to eradicate the species entirely.

While there, Samus would encounter multiple machines of Chozo design built to keep the Metroids in line, all starting with Aut-, including the most basic of them, the Autoad. These act as common enemies throughout the game, its remake, and the later game, Metroid Dread.

As a fighter, they will use the most basic body of the Autoad, but will incorporate moves and abilities based on every member of the Aut-line from all games in which they appear.

Likelihood rating: Never gonna happen.

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