Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Omega Metroid


As Samus explores SR388, she comes to discover that Metroids don’t just come in the jellyfish-like variety that she is familiar with, but will grow through extensive life cycles, hatching from their larval forms, and then moving through Alpha, Gamma, Zeta, Omega, and finally becoming queens.

Among all of these, the Omega Metroids prove the most dangerous, powerful and strong reptilian creatures with gaping mouths that they can shoot energy from. Their reappearance in the remake Samus Returns further expands on their abilities.

As fighters, they will be strong and fast, much stronger than their larval counterparts but weaker and more mobile than their queens. Their moveset will pull from their battles in both Metroid II and its remake.

Likelihood rating: Probably not.

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