Saturday, September 30, 2023

Dark Samus


Samus will defeat and seemingly destroy the Metroid Prime, leaving Tallon IV and heading off to her next adventure. From the pools of Phazon where the Metroid’s body fell however, a new form would rise, a form reshaped to perfectly match the only being that had ever bested it: Samus herself.

This new being would come to be known as Dark Samus, a being of Phazon and Metroid DNA that scanned Samus’s suit and abilities and recreated them with its own biology. Dark Samus would pose a threat in the two following games, acting as the main villain and instigator of both threats.

As a fighter, Dark Samus would be very similar in stats to Samus herself, doing its best to copy her in all aspects. Its moveset would pull from all battles fought with Samus across both games that it appears as the main villain in.

Likelihood rating: Already in.

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