Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Metroid Books


Alright, so from here, we're just going to blaze through every other major book of the Metroid series out there. First, we have strategy guides, including The Official Nintendo Player's Guide, guides for Super Metroid, Prima guides for Fusion and Prime, guides for Zero Mission, Echoes, Hunters, Corruption, Trilogy, Other M, Samus Returns, Playing with Power Guides, Japanese guides that have a bit more story to them like the previously discussed Victory Techniques for Metroid. After that we have artbooks for Metroid Prime Trilogy and Samus Returns, How to Draw Nintendo Greatest Heroes and Villains, various focuses in Games Tribune and Hobby Consolas, and a collection of Metroid mission logs. A lot of the standard promotional materials.

Here's what we've got so far:


Pirate Boss: sword, lasers

Metroid=Mutant: speed, drain energy, tentacles


I don't know what stage you could make here, but I could try to think of something, I guess.

Thanks for reading! Next up, all the various digital and electronic media.

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