Friday, September 22, 2023

Metroid Miscellaneous Merchandise


And today, let's finish off the entire series with pretty much everything else out there, which really just comes down to toys and figures, but whatever. Obviously we have the amiibo, including those created specifically for Smash. We also have lines of figures from Jakks Pacific, Figma, Max Factory, and First 4 Figures. There's also a bunch of rubber eraserheads from Famicom Choco, a Samus bobblehead, a figure from JoyRide Studios, a lifesize statue, an arm cannon (similar to those Hulk gloves), a Yuji SRDX figure of Zero-Suit Samus, and figures in the Nintendo Wii Real Figures Collection. Burger King also released the Metroid Challenge toys, a puzzle where you guided Samus's morph ball through a maze.

And that's about it. Here's what we've got so far:


Pirate Boss: sword, lasers

Metroid=Mutant: speed, drain energy, tentacles


I don't know what stage you could make here, but I could try to think of something, I guess.

Thanks for reading! Now, we have one final character to do a sheet for.

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