Monday, September 25, 2023



As you beat Norfair and come to the final region of Tourian, you come across Samus’s true target in all of this, a breed of deadly parasites genetically engineered by the Chozo and appropriated by the Space Pirates, whose existence could spell doom for the entire galaxy.

These are the Metroids, ravenous parasites driven by an insatiable hunger for energy that attack and drain anything they come across. The Chozo discovered them on an alien planet and constructed an AI to be able to control them, only for the AI to turn on them and use the Metroids for its own purposes.

As fighters, the Metroids will be light and floaty, generally in their iconic larval state. Their moveset will pull from all abilities shown by the Metroids in all but their most advanced forms, especially their penchant for draining energy.

Likelihood rating: Strong.

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