Friday, September 29, 2023

Meta Ridley


Although most of its contemporaries made the jump to the 3D Era with the Nintendo 64, for better or worse, the Metroid series opted to wait until the Game Cube to release its very first 3D title, Metroid Prime. The game was set in between Metroid and Metroid II, with Samus responding to a distress call from a downed frigate orbiting the planet Tallon IV. After finding the frigate infested with parasites and cleaning them out, Samus spotted her old nemesis Ridley flying down to the planet’s surface.

This is actually Meta Ridley, a cyborg version of Ridley after he was rebuilt from his injuries during his fight with Samus in the original game. Meta Ridley would function as Ridley’s primary throughout the entire Metroid Prime series, not regaining his full body until Super Metroid.

As a fighter, Meta Ridley would be similar in stats and design to Ridley himself, though a bit heavier and a bit more powerful. His moveset would pull from his various battles, leaning into the differences between the two forms.

Likelihood rating: (Kinda) already in.

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