Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Character Sheet: Dangelo


And now we have a long list of character who appear exclusively within the Metroid comics, manga, and other non-game media. These will all act as a roster on their own, separate from the standard game roster. They are:

1. Joey Apronika

2. Kreatz

3. Mauk

4. Diesel

5. GFS Tyr Crew

6. Armstrong Houston

7. Zegan Doh

8. Bomad

9. U-Ton

10. Papa Lightning

11. Chozo Elders

12. Greed

13. Bishop

14. Knight

15. Dangelo

16. Pirate Boss

17. Amokmaw

18. Integra

19. Megaroid

Next up, we have another who theoretically would be an echo of Samus, but complications arose, and so it was decided to have Armstrong Houston be a semi-clone of Samus, with Dangelo acting as an echo of him, sort of a Roy and Chrom situation. Dangelo is a dangerous criminal Samus locked away years before, who broke out and then started trying to frame her, using a suit that matched her own, with an invisibility mechanism to complete the illusion, and attacking public locations.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Plasma Cannon

More like Samus's, but also more directed.

Side B: Missile

Less powerful that Armstrong's.

Up B: Space Jump

Dangelo will turn invisible as he does so.

Down B: Mine

More or less the same, but with less of a tell as to its location.

Final Smash: Attacker in Darkness

Dangelo will turn invisible, the room will grow dark, and then Dangelo will strike each player from behind, sending them flying.

Entrance: His invisibility will glitch out and he will reappear.

Taunts: Up, he will raise his hand and laugh wickedly. Side, he will do a sweep and tell his opponents to remember, "It was Samus who did this to you." Down, he will laugh and then disappear.

Kirby Hat: His helmet.

Kart: A dark version of Samus's ship.

Special Move: He will be able to turn invisible for a short time.

Spirit Battle: A battle on Junk Quixote, with the stage in darkness.

Victory Screen: He will watch from afar as Samus is arrested and led away.

Losing Screen: He will be brought to his knees and rearrested by Federation Marines.

Color Swaps: Like Samus's, but all darker.

Thanks for reading! Next up, a minor villain from Episode of Aether.

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